Mr Andres' Trip to Japan

Monday, June 30, 2008

I am home!!!!

My trip to Japan was absolutely awesome! Thank you for following my experience and continuing to check in on my posts periodically. I have finally recovered from my jetlag and I am ready to begin analyzing the experience I had in Japan. I just read an article discussing how Japan is beginning to bring different forms of technology into the classroom to teach English. As I see more articles in the news I will continue to post them to this blog for your reading enjoyment. Again, thank you for participating in my journey and please continue to read my updates.

Nintendo DS teaches English to Japanese Kids

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey congrats on going to japan. Wow most have been a big year for you, going to saudi arabia and japan, where to next? I wouldn't be surprised if you've traveled the world by the time i graduate high school. I would just like to say that it was great to have you as my geography teacher this year. Maybe i'll see you later on, I'll have to come back and visit you and Mrs. Knudson and tell her i say congrats on getting married, cuz i think she was getting married this summer. but hey it was great you got to go to japan. congrats. 8th grade was a great year and i would like to thank you for being apart of it.
Sincerely your favorite student..
Landon Auld